We know what want (sometimes) We know how we want it (sometimes) but do we ever really know - why?
Did you know that having a clear why and deep sense of purpose can be linked to better physical and mental health including a lower risk of depression and a lower risk of mortality?! This episode I unpack with you my struggles with finding a why and in my unpacking I discover a process of how you to break down your thoughts to find your why! You can even use them as journal prompts which is what I'll be doing. I share a personal example of a strong why that kept me going with something for 10 years so you can find your own example for evidence that you've also had a strong enough why in the past to get you to a goal.
I loved this episode and I really hope it's helped you gain some clarity. I'd love to hear your thoughts and any breakthroughs you had.
Share your thoughts with me over on instagram