Pat (Patrick) Gracey is a senior librarian at the Toronto Public Library where he is a children's services specialist, leading the team that selects new picture books for 17 downtown locations (!).
In our interview, Pat talks about the magic inherent in picture books, and focuses on some of his favorite Canadian (and semi-Canadian) picture books, including The Log Driver's Waltz by Wade Hemsworth, Illustrations by Jennifer Phelan , Think Again by JonArno Lawson, Illustrated by Julie Morstad, Nana's Cold Day by Adwoa Badoe Pictures by Budshra Junaid, Down by Jim Long's Stage: Rhymes for Children and Young Fish by Al Pittman Illustrated by Pam Hall, Canada Counts (A Charles Pachter Counting Book), Canada in Words by Per-Henrik Gürth, The Night Gardner by The Fan Brothers (Terry and Eric), A Face is a Poem by Julie Morstad, Sleep Little Creep by David Quinn and Ashley Spires (illustrator), The Paper Boat by Thao Lam, and What Happened on Thursday by Ayo Oyeku, illustrated by Lydia Mba.
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