This is the 2nd episode of a 4-part series called BACK TO SCHOOL. In this episode, I talk about TAKING NOTES as a good study habit. But what does taking notes look like when it comes to our lives? Here are three practices of good note taking for your lives:
The first art of note taking you can practice is writing about your future goals.
Imagine your best, possible life that you desire, write about that life you desire in the PRESENT tense. Be as specific and vivid as possible.
The next art of note taking is to plan your time to take notes and be consistent.
it’s not a matter of how much or how often you should write, what matters is that your CONSISTENT. Successful people schedule specific times throughout the week when they are going to write -- and then they stick with their schedule. Writing at specific times and specific days help you develop self-control and to be more intentional about your life.
The final art of note taking is to write in the mindset of gratitude.
Practice The Three Blessing Exercise. Write down 3 things that you are most grateful for the day. Try this exercise every day for 3 weeks. You will experience a deeper and restful sleep, less anxiety, and more happiness.
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