Simply put I am motivated to change everything about me that made me choose, pick, and assume that the friends that walked away were true, the love that didn't work owed me anything, the opportunity that never emerged was ever a part of my existence.
I'm changing because somewhere in the past my decision making helped me to excuse red flags, red lights, yellow lights and not yield from detours and one way streets.
Sometimes we have to sit, marinate, and look at all the evidence before us. Is this good for me. Am I holding on for reasonings of guilt, lack, frustration, failure, shame, or unbelief?
Why when I did see these flags did I not run from them. Was my self est3m so low that it continues to dictate staying?
The answer is Yes, we hold on because we stop believing in ourselves and how we can ultimately push towards cultivating a different outcome and mindset instead of sitting within certain experiences that stunt, our growth, eliminate the power within and take away the urge to push out any birth of becoming and enhancing who we are.
Get up, get going, and you may not have all the pieces you need but start your life in the right direction of taking the first steps. Doing so, will create an inner willingness to mush forward that will build up not just your mind but everything.
It's easy to stay with someone, something, doing things out of comfortability. You are not stronger when you give in to this. You are stronger when you walk away from such.
Living in pain, conflict, misery, and doubt will not help you be the best you can be, have the best you can be, and do the best you can do. No it will keep you trapped and screaming for more. More acceptance, understanding, appreciation, validity, peace, independence. You don't have to live within your trapped expectations. No let go.