My academic struggles defined my a failure as i could never meet my parents expectations, while felt competent about my artistic side it was hard to embrace that part of me because i was never living up to everyone's expectation, when my 5th grade teacher asked to draw our school charts i felt she had seen me for me, i loved arts, crafts, singing and dancing but all that meant nothing because i felt nothing like a failure, when i was ready to take on a podcast a wave of self doubt and fear came over me, i was paralysed by everything that kept me from always taking that step, this was a different scenario i was doing the unexpected and doing what i love and i was afraid that i would be going against everyone's expectation of me, i was stuck to always feeling i could never match up but i had to make the decision to break off the limits including telling myself i will never be good enough and find my authentic path. I hope this episode will help you realise where your fear comes from, what limitations you have placed on yourself from going after what you believe and being the best version of yourself, embrace you gifts, abilites and talents begin to use them, everyone is special in their own way, failing to meet others expections of you should not define you as a failure. Follow me:.