Bboy Thread, also known as Chia from his Real Estate Podcast and Youtube channel, Chia Talks, sits down to discuss his past life as a breakdancer in the infamous Airsteps crew from Sacramento, California. He discusses his rise in the Hmong bboy community, battles, and the competitive scene. He also, talks about how breaking helped him in his real estate endeavors.
Noise of the Broke Boys Podcast - Episode 045
FAKE BATTLES, REAL ESTATE! - Noise Of The Broke Boys W/ Chia Talks AKA BBoy Thread
W/U's album, Acuestate is used as a backing track to this entire podcast.
Peep the full album on Soundcloud:
Instagram: noiseofthebrokeboys
Listen to the Audio on all Podcast platforms.
A broke degenerate hooligan documents conversations about being a Bboy, Breakin', Hip Hop, Dance, Art, Music, Creativity, Innovation, and the slow subtle crumble of society in audio form.