Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, special guest Lo the Lynx joins us for ASOS, Bran IV, in which Bran better start believing in ghost stories...because he's in one.
Next time: ASOS, Daenerys V, in which Dany arrives at Meereen and Strong Belwas wins a duel, only for her other sidekicks to mess it all up.
Lo's twitter: https://twitter.com/lo_the_lynx
Lo's podcast: https://twitter.com/RagmansPod
Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn
Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb
Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb
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