Content warnings: refugee trains, demolition, alcohol use, animal corpses, vertigo
In which we face the vanguard.
Squad Assigned: Ember Wolves AND Grinning Ravens
Builder Kayo (they/she), Tailos heavy Nabain (he/him), Chimorti medic Aoife (she/her), Oileander sniper Obik (he/him), Tailos soldier
Tyr (he/him), Archadian rookie Bowie (he/him), Oileander rookie Yvan Born of Umber (they/he), Archadian rookie
Judet the Bladesinger (she/her), Matzor Chosen Dorado the Adamant (she/her), Legion commander
And introducing...
Shoogt (they/them), Chimorti rookie
Episode transcript can be found here:
OATHSWORN is a Band of Blades actual play podcast created by Kris Allison, Gavin Fregeau, Matthew Guzdial, Brendan McLeod, and Devin Nelson.
Band of Blades is created by Stras Acimovic & John LeBoeuf-Little and published by Evil Hat Productions.
All music by Devin Nelson. Find it and more at
All foley credits can be found on our website.