Logan and Andy return to the realm of cinematic paranoia. Conspiracies, tension, and espionage abound in JOHN FRANKENHEIMER’S PARANOIA TRILOGY! With help from Frankenheimer fan and Odd Trilogies alum Matt Hurt (The Obsessive Viewer), the boys look at iconic director John Frankenheimer’s triadic analysis of the paranoia and social anxieties of his day. From hypnotism to military coups to literal face-swapping, they discuss 1962’s The Manchurian Candidate, 1964’s Seven Days in May, and 1966’s Seconds. What types of paranoia is Frankenheimer most interested in exploring here? How does his take on the theme feel in comparison to Pakula’s paranoia trilogy in the next decade? Also, what’s so scary about May? Find out on this suspicious new episode of ODD TRILOGIES!