코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

올 S/S 시즌에도 '드뮤어' 트렌드는 계속된다

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Demure to still rule this spring-summer season

진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn

기사 요약: 드뮤어 트렌드는 미니멀리즘과 우아함을 강조하는 스타일로, 2025년 봄여름 시즌에도 계속해서 인기를 끌 것으로 예상되며, 고급스러운 소재와 차분한 색상으로 세련된 디자인이 특징이다.

[1] The demure trend, referring to a style that emphasizes modesty, subtlety and elegance, is expected to continue through the spring and summer seasons both in fashion and beauty.

modesty: 겸손, 얌전함, 단정함

subtlety: 미묘함

[2] This trend, which began last year, incorporates refined, understated clothing and accessories that exude quiet sophistication.

refined: 세련된

understated: 절제된

exude: 발산하다

[3]"This spring, the demure trend, which became popular last year, is expected to continue in a more enhanced version. As minimalism becomes a trend across fashion, there is a focus on launching products that emphasize basic, restrained designs, calm colors and luxurious materials. Styling using sophisticated colors like mocha brown is also expected to attract attention,” said an official from W Concept, a local online fashion retailer known for offering a curated selection of contemporary designer brand products.

fashion retailer: 패션 소매업체

[4] Demure styling began trending last year when the old money look made waves following fancy and bold styling such as Y2K, see-through and logo play trends.

to make waves: 큰 반향을 일으키다

기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10424679

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