We heard from Sara last episode, so now it’s time to hear from her hubby, my brother in arms, he who flees from the sun, Andrew. We set up the On Being Animals studio at his place, cracked open some groomsmen whisky, and learned about the Speedy Lobster Claw Diva. In addition to whiskey, we get into the Bat Man, dick pics, and growing trees on Mars.
Most Egregious Error: Andrew set up a perfect conversation about Jordan Peterson’s lobster and I was too slow to notice. I totally left him hanging and missed out. Jordan Peterson is bit of a divisive figure. From what I can tell, he has produced solid peer reviewed research, and he has also produced some stuff that ain’t peer reviewed, and uh, that stuff is different. In his 12 Steps book, he says that lobsters are biologically hierarchical so humans must also be biologically hierarchical. Lobsters. We should take notes on how to behave from lobsters. There are over 5,000 species of mammals in the world, and he picked the lobster. You know who has spines? Seven thousand species of amphibian, 10,000 birds, and 10,000 reptiles. You know who doesn’t? Lobsters. This is the point Andrew was trying to make and I missed it. Lobsters are interesting and great in their own ways, but don’t be a human jerk to other humans just because lobsters exist.
Science level: very high, we don’t get into differential equations, but we do get into probably the most important and challenging aspect of science, communication of results. How do we get dummy politicians to understand? Clearly we don’t solve it, we just get into it.