This morning, your horoscope told you that you were going to have a miserable day. It just so happens to be Friday the 13th, and you can’t seem to find your lucky pair of socks. As your day goes on, you spill coffee on your shirt, you are 20 minutes late to work because of traffic, and your favorite sports team loses their game. Surely this is all related!
We have so many superstitions in our culture, but none of them are rooted in fact. Knocking on wood is not going to prevent bad things from happening, because jinxes probably aren’t real. Your mom won’t break her back every time you step on a crack in the sidewalk. If that was the case, I’m pretty sure many more mothers would have broken backs.
Although superstitions, jinxes, and luck may seem silly, they can bring people a little bit of comfort. If knocking on wood is going to help you sleep at night, by all means,go for it!