Phyllis Grant may not yet be a household name, but she will be. She is a pastry chef, a food writer, and the author of an acclaimed new book "Everything is Under Control - A Memoir with Recipes". It's not easy to promote a book in the middle of a pandemic, but this book satisfies every inch of our souls with it's authenticity and candor about cooking and motherhood, and with mouth-watering recipes anyone can make. Phyllis is a wildly popular presence on Instagram at @dashandbella, where you can see her cooking, philosophizing, and sharing personal stories from her gracious kitchen in Berkeley, CA. Phyllis joins author and chef Rozanne Gold to share her story, including how her rigorous training in modern dance led to a life in four-star kitchens, how motherhood became a major turning point in both wondrous and difficult ways, how Phylls' unique, poetic, and spare writing style has everyone talking, how her Jammy Tomato-Anchovy Sauce became a genius recipe, and why Ruth Reichl calls her recipes "completely irresistible."