Most of our resolutions and goals fail for one big reason....they are "what's" and "what's" don't inspire us. Our goals of dropping 20 lbs., starting a new business, launching a new social media platform or adding followers are all "what's"
Simon Sinek says "There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you and inspire it." The way to inspire your own behavior is to discover the why behind the what.
What's don't get you out of bed in the morning and they don't keep you awake at night. They don't keep you focused and determined.... they're short lived and mechanical. A why, it motivates you to later behavior, make sacrifices and put in the hard work required to find true success.
If you want to live your best year ever, start with why!
This is Day Two of "Your Best Year Ever". A seven day podcast series on Onward Creatives.
Ready for weekly inspiration? Join our email list to receive a curated article each Friday. Click on this link, to sign up.
Ready to start the business plan?
Click on this link, give us your email and download the plan. This episode of the podcast walks you through exactly what you need to know for each part of the plan. If you take the time to work this through you will build a strong foundation for your creative business.
Download it here!
Welcome to the Onward Creatives podcast. A weekly podcast for the creative dreamers and doers. Whether you’re just getting started on your creative journey or your well on your way this is the place for you.
Each week I help you discover your identity and develop a life and career in alignment with who you are. The journey onward starts here.
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