Library service podcast Chinese script
歡迎來到 City of Parramatta圖書館多元文化語言頻道. 这期Vivien會跟大家介紹一些我們圖書館的服務內容, 包括:
登記獲得免費圖書證;借閱圖書,雜誌,有聲讀物, 和免費電子書籍;電腦使用,複印,打印服務 ,而電子扫描;活動; 活動內容包括故事時間, 各種手工, 和STEM課程英文會話班,電腦輔導班,作家講座等等. Library App Chinese script
这期Vivien會同大家講一下我們圖書館的新APP, 和怎样在社交媒體上同我們保持聯絡.
City of Parramatta Libraries is yours to use and enjoy. You can register for a free library card by going to:
You are welcome to visit any of our 7 libraries at Carlingford, Constitution Hill, Dundas, Epping, Ermington, Parramatta, and Wentworth Point.
With your library card, you can:
- Borrow books, DVDs, and access digital books including audio books and magazines
For a small fee, you can also photocopy, scan and printDrop in and visit us or use our online library which is available 24 hours a day, or you can go to your Apple store or Google Play to download City of Parramatta Libraries app, which you can use to search, borrow and place reservations on items.
If you’re unable to visit the library due to poor health, disability, or are frail aged, join our Home Library Service and we’ll bring library materials for you to enjoy.
Parramatta will be adjusting its services as we get ready for an exciting move to our new space at PHIVE, 5 Parramatta Square.
From Monday 25 July, our Library will operate as a pop-up service, located on the ground floor of 1-3 Fitzwilliam Street. The pop-up will include the following services:
Library books available through ‘click and collect’ service.
A selection of our most popular books available to browse through.
Book returns will continue to be available 24/7 through our after-hours return chute.
Printing services and a small number of computers will continue to be available for public use.
From Monday 8 August, in addition to our pop-up Library service, our study spaces on Level 1 will reopen along with our popular Story Time sessions, computer access and Justice of Peace services. City of Parramatta Libraries also have an app that you can download to search our catalogue and access digital resources such as eBooks, audiobooks, digital magazines and more.
Check library website or contact a library staff for more information.