I have a note above my desk that says, “I get to… I’m grateful for… I show up for…” I can’t remember where I got this phrasing from, but it has made an impact on how I approach meetings and the like that I am not looking forward to.
We all have those things we dread – conversations, activities, whatever. I’ve found that by thinking through these prompts I can get my mind to a place of being present and happy to be in the meeting.
For example, if I have a client that I know will be a difficult conversation that day, I think through the prompts like this:
I get to be a safe person and hold space for my client.
I’m grateful for the fact I am no longer in my own eating disorder.
I show up for this person that needs help.
By re-framing the situation, I am able to get back to a place of compassion and focus. These prompts have seriously changed my day-to-day.
If you give this a try, let me know in the comments!