This week Jon is joined by Brad Flowers from BullHorn Creative - a brand & communication strategy agency in Kentucky USA. Brad and his fellow directors have been making changes to how they run their business, inspired by meeting folks at peer groups and studying business books. This inspiration has helped provide them with a more solid foundation for growth and stability. In this episode Jon and Brad go over this experience, and share how anyone else can do the same.
In this episode they cover
Focus on working more on your business than in your business.
Adapting and assigning roles to individuals as you grow.
Having accurate data to be able to make informed business decisions.
Understanding your core values of your business - why you exist.
Using peer groups to share experiences and learn from others locally.
Show notes
Entrepreneurial Operating System
📖 Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, by Gino Wickman
📖 Get A Grip: How to Get Everything You Want from Your Entrepreneurial Business, by Gino Wickman
Leading vs Lagging indicators
Making company culture a major focus of your core values. 📖 Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose, by Tony Hsieh
Every Interaction new website with new value focussed copy, and the blog post about the process and the story we took.
There are some great blog posts over on Bullhorn’s blog. A few recent examples include:
An introspective look at Bullhorns own brand values
Some by-products of thinking about core values.
Brand language - what’s in a name?
Brand meaning - what do you mean?
Brand tone - take that tone