Rissa Miller is an editor, author, herbalist, seer, and storyteller. Her storytelling expertise stems from extensive research into the area of esoteric history, including ghosts, witchcraft, cryptids, and folklore. Rissa believes the most enduring stories teach us not only about humanity's past but also give us a reason to reflect on our own present beliefs and realities. Her approach to the paranormal involves in-depth historical research layered with first-hand accounts.
Inspired by her first ghost experience in York, England at age 8 (it happened after a tour!), Rissa Miller became a history guide when she was 15. Her first gig was with at the Colonial Complex, still operated by the York County History Center. She went on to study at New York University's Tisch School and was an award-winning editor at the Baltimore Sun early in her career.
Rissa is also a member of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team.
On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Rissa Miller & Lon Strickler conducted an on-site investigation at the recently renovated Yorktowne Hotel (Hilton Hotels) at 48 E. Market St. in York, PA.
Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters Radio - Real cryptid and unexplained reports directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask my guest and me questions about the investigation.
Hi. My name is Lon Strickler. I hope that you enjoy listening to Phantoms & Monsters Personal Reports. I have a question for you. Have you ever had an unexplained sighting or encounter? Do you have photographic and/or video evidence of your experience? Would you like to share your unique story with our readers and listeners? Please feel free to forward your account to me, either through my email [email protected] or call me at 410-241-5974. You can also visit my website at https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com
and use the contact link on the homepage. Your personal information will be kept confidential if requested.
I have been a paranormal and anomalies researcher & investigator for over 45 years. My reports & findings have been featured in hundreds of online media sources. Several of these published reports have been presented on various television segments, including The History Channel's 'Ancient Aliens,' Syfy's 'Paranormal Witness', 'Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files,' Destination America's 'Monsters and Mysteries in America,' and, more recently, 'Unsolved Mysteries' on Netflix. I have been interviewed on hundreds of radio & online broadcasts, including multiple guest appearances on 'Coast to Coast AM.'
One of my encounters was featured on Destination America's 'Monsters and Mysteries in America' television show for 'The Sykesville Monster' episode. I am a published author of 9 books on various cryptid & supernatural subjects.
In addition, I am an intuitive who has worked with hundreds of clients who sought help with their personal hauntings and unexplained activities. I never charge for my services.
If you feel that I can help answer your questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks for your consideration.
Do you have a report or encounter that you would like to be read on 'Personal Reports' & featured on the Phantoms & Monsters blog? Contact me at [email protected]
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Books by Lon Strickler - https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B009JURSD4
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Credits: All content licensed and/or used with permission.