Join us as we recap the episodes of General Hospital for January 27-31, 2025
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🔵Brad is working out for Miami and asked Portia for extra time off
🔵Anna and Felicia confront Emma about her whereabouts
🔵Emma asks Gio to play at a fundraiser to stop animal testing
🔵Tracy gives Sasha a hard time and Sasha announces she’s pregnant
🔵Jason realizes that Michael is the father of Sasha’s child
🔵Cody overhears Sasha and Jason talking about the baby and he assumes Jason is the father
🔵Chase’s results come in and he asks Willow to look over them for him
🔵Chase cannot father a child
🔵Brook Lynn and Lois talk about the baby she gave up for adoption, and Dante being the father
🔵Laura and Lulu talk about her love for Dante and concern for Lucky
🔵Cody knows that Brook Lynn was pregnant as a teenager
🔵Natalia and Sonny are going to LA to see a specialist
🔵Ava and Ric try to compromise with Sonny without going to court
🔵Brennan visits Carly in Germany
🔵Valentin tries to kill Brennan
🔵Brennan kisses Carly and tells her about his history with Valentin
🔵Lulu lets Anna know she knows Charlotte was shot, and is understanding
🔵Drew asks Lucy to help him buy a 5 bedroom house
🔵Curtis refuses to let Drew take down Aurora
🔵Curtis tells Portia he wants to build Aurora Resorts
🔵Portia told Alexis and Anna about the murders
🔵Anna won’t let Dante work on Sam’s murder case
🔵Lucky and Liz get a list of famlies whose loved ones passed away at Turning Woods
🔵Trina is trying to help Kai accept his diagnosis
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