PBF57: Repurpose Your Content To Grow Your Audience
By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant
Podcast By Friday Episode 57:
Repurpose Your content to rapidly grow their audience, increase their influence and monetize your work ...
Repurpose is defined as:
1. to find a new use for an idea, product, or building:
2. to use something for a different purpose to the one for which it was originally intended.
Nobody can afford to spend money on advertisements that don't move the needle. Ads that don't convert, that don't do anything to help grow your business. You should only spend your money on ads that make a difference. And if you don't have an Ad budget to spend, there are other ways to achieve the same result. By putting out content in places where people see it, where people can react to it. and where people want to be involved with it. That is the most important reason for repurposing your content.
You've got to go and try to see what works. You have to measure what is working, and then you make adjustments. There is no instant home run where you can say, "Well, I'm going to put everything out in Facebook, and life will be great, or I'm going to put everything out and Pinterest, and will life will be great, Or I'm going to go strictly with LinkedIn. And life will be great." You can't just do that. You have to actually try those things, and measure the results.
Just having a Facebook tracking pixel on your page, or on in your episode, is not enough. You have to go in and you have to make some adjustments and settings inside of the Facebook ad manager so that it accurately tracks the results, not just that somebody's been to your page. That's a whole other episode,
The ways we have used:
Audio and
Call To Action
Request to be a part of our Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday
Post a link to your original content and the link to where you repurposed it. We will critique your progress and share it with the group.
Resources Mentioned:
One Funnel Away Challenge - ClickFunnels
Note: *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.
Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard.
One Funnel Away
One Funnel Away Challenge - ClickFunnels
Note: *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.
Contact Information:
Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard.
Bill Griggs contact info:
Twitter: @BillGriggs
Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com
Kingsley Grant's Contact info:
Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com
Websites Mentioned
One Funnel Away Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge
ClickFunnels 14 Day Free Trial https://www.podcastbyfriday.com/freetrial
Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com
Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org
iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/
Spreaker http://spreaker.com
Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com
CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com
Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com
Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday
Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home
Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost
Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible
Youtube http://youtube.com
Vodburner http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/vodburner
WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder
Thrive Global https://thriveglobal.com/
Anchor FM https://anchor.fm
Medium https://medium.com
SHOW NOTES Mentioned: