Bees With Ben

PODCAST EPSIODE 74: Michael Johnson, Co-founder of The Basin Backyard, Knoxfield, Victoria

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PODCAST EPSIODE 74: Michael Johnson, Co-founder of The Basin Backyard, Knoxfield, Victoria

The Melbourne suburb known as The Basin (of the City of Knox) is, as the name suggests, a basin-like area surrounded by the majestic Dandenong Ranges. A part of the world I know well, I was over the moon when I first stumbled upon a fantastic bee business aptly named The Basin Backyard – a garden paradise in the outer eastern suburbs with an abundance of edible plants, as well as bee mentoring and beekeeping classes, and a fantastic supply of local honey and delicacies. Heaven! For that reason, I am delighted to introduce Michael Johnson, co-founder of The Basin Backyard, to the BEES WITH BEN beekeeping podcast for episode 74.

Michael and Meredith Johnson have lived in The Basin for over 25 years, and purchased their current house as a renovators’ delight, which they quickly set about making their home. Their dream renovation included a garden, which at the time was merely lawn and pittosporums. With something more ambitious and complex in mind, the bee-loving couple set about making a native/edible garden that they could share with wildlife and humans alike. As their once-humble garden grew to house over 70 varieties of edible plants, they decided in 2009 to branch out further and turn their garden into what is now known as The Basin Backyard. A garden and bee-related business in Knowfield open to the public.

When asked about the vision behind The Basin Backyard, the couple share a humble but profound idea that has been at the core of the venture from the beginning: “The Basin Backyard was and still is about thinking about where your food comes from, and if you have land (no matter how small) what you can grow on it.” The couple have made this happen through the creation of the garden itself, but also through incredible workshops that teach the public about all kinds of edible processes, from honey production and beekeeping to workshops on building an edible garden, making salami, making cheese, and fermenting! The Basin Backyard is a garden, a store, an educational facility, and a warehouse – a fantastic resource and space for bee, food and garden lovers alike.

Tune in to hear Michael and I chat about how The Basin Backyard grew and grew (literally and as a business).

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