What did the New York Times's 1619 Project get wrong, and what did it get right? Sarah Marsh and Tom Merrill review the controversies about the 1619 Project and talk about the real complexities around slavery and race in the American founding.
Links mentioned in the podcast:
The 1619 Project at the New York Times.
Sean Wilentz on the 1619 Project.
Leslie Harris: "I Helped Factcheck the 1619 Project."
Thomas Merrill, "The Later Jefferson and The Problem of Natural Rights," in The Political Thought of the Civil War
Thomas Merrill, "When Jefferson Became Southern: The Missouri Crisis as Inflection Point, Political Science Reviewer
Danielle Allen, _Our Declaration: A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality. _
Danielle Allen on "The Declaration of Independence Today" at American University