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'Pongpongnam' row exposes South Korea's gender divide
진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor
기사 요약: 네이버 웹툰 공모전에서 여성을 비하하고 성차별을 강화하는 혐오 표현을 담은 웹툰이 1차 심사를 통과하면서 논란, "퐁퐁남"이라는 개념어가 남편의 경제력에 ‘무임승차’하려고 결혼한 여성에게 배신당한 서사, 일명 ‘설거지론’에 쓰이면서 여성의 모든 행동에 성적인 혹은 이기적인 의도가 있다는 왜곡된 사고와 편견을 부채질한다는 비판 일어
[1] While expressing disparagement of the opposite sex in a show of hatred has long ailed South Korea, the severe gender conflict took a turn for the worse after a cartoon recently came under fire for misogyny.
disparagement: 경멸
ail: 괴롭히다
misogyny: 여성혐오 / misandry 남성 혐오
[2] The three-story webtoon, "Pong Pong Man From Another World," uploaded to Naver Webtoon last month, is a story that revolves around a 39-year-old man named Park Dong-soo who faces a series of hardships after witnessing his wife's affair, which later leads him to question his place in life.
revolve around: ~을 중심으로 돌아가다
[3] Although the plot may look similar to other stories, the webtoon is based on the "dishwashing" theory of women apparently laundering their history by tying the knot with a financially stable man purely for money, leading to a loveless marriage. The theory reflects a deep misogynistic belief that women exploit men for economic gain, while men trapped in these relationships are "domestic."
dishwashing: 접시 씻기
laundry: 세탁물/ money laundry
exploit: 부당하게 이용하다, 착취하다
[4] Proponents of the idea -- mostly men -- refer to married men as "pongpongnam," which is a derogatory term based on a Korean dish detergent brand to reference unattractive husbands or male breadwinners as "slaves" used to make money. The webtoon drew fire from women-focused online communities after it passed the first round of judging for Naver Webtoon's web novel contest late last month, and the controversy shows little sign of abating.
derogatory: 경멸하는, 비판적인
abate: 약화시키다, 약해지다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241029050551
2727 ratings
'Pongpongnam' row exposes South Korea's gender divide
진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor
기사 요약: 네이버 웹툰 공모전에서 여성을 비하하고 성차별을 강화하는 혐오 표현을 담은 웹툰이 1차 심사를 통과하면서 논란, "퐁퐁남"이라는 개념어가 남편의 경제력에 ‘무임승차’하려고 결혼한 여성에게 배신당한 서사, 일명 ‘설거지론’에 쓰이면서 여성의 모든 행동에 성적인 혹은 이기적인 의도가 있다는 왜곡된 사고와 편견을 부채질한다는 비판 일어
[1] While expressing disparagement of the opposite sex in a show of hatred has long ailed South Korea, the severe gender conflict took a turn for the worse after a cartoon recently came under fire for misogyny.
disparagement: 경멸
ail: 괴롭히다
misogyny: 여성혐오 / misandry 남성 혐오
[2] The three-story webtoon, "Pong Pong Man From Another World," uploaded to Naver Webtoon last month, is a story that revolves around a 39-year-old man named Park Dong-soo who faces a series of hardships after witnessing his wife's affair, which later leads him to question his place in life.
revolve around: ~을 중심으로 돌아가다
[3] Although the plot may look similar to other stories, the webtoon is based on the "dishwashing" theory of women apparently laundering their history by tying the knot with a financially stable man purely for money, leading to a loveless marriage. The theory reflects a deep misogynistic belief that women exploit men for economic gain, while men trapped in these relationships are "domestic."
dishwashing: 접시 씻기
laundry: 세탁물/ money laundry
exploit: 부당하게 이용하다, 착취하다
[4] Proponents of the idea -- mostly men -- refer to married men as "pongpongnam," which is a derogatory term based on a Korean dish detergent brand to reference unattractive husbands or male breadwinners as "slaves" used to make money. The webtoon drew fire from women-focused online communities after it passed the first round of judging for Naver Webtoon's web novel contest late last month, and the controversy shows little sign of abating.
derogatory: 경멸하는, 비판적인
abate: 약화시키다, 약해지다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241029050551
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