WARNING!!! This episode contains Hilarious content, Artistic content and Music! Quickly Joshua and Jordan bring "Hot of Not" back but this time to discuss our new fav espresso drink, Cappuccinos! Next, meet Ivan Gamboa the creative genius behind the up and coming LoFi project, he's passionately been working on over the last decade... The mother friggin' Bed Band, aka "The Bed Band". The Bed Band is a band who was a band before it was really a band with band mates, the music must go on, and if you build it they will come! Ivan is an interesting artist, who's life has led him from LA to Detroit and back to the southwest, now located in Santa Fe, New Mexico he's headquartered at the so ever popular Meow Wolf art experience. Ivan is well trained in Music, Art, Film, Reiki, Coffee, and just being a super cool dude and oh yah he's a vegan too! Make sure to support The Bed Band by following the link s below and buying there music! Hopefully ya'll dig this episode we loved making it for you!
The Bed Band Links! Please support the artist and buy some merch or music!!!
Buy The Bed Band's music:
More of their music:
Ivan's Sci-Fi Movie Trailer:
Another band Ivan play's guitar in, Sex Headaches:
The Bed Band Records released and album by MicroDoser: