Do not quit there is a purpose for your existence. Do not stop praising! Do not stop worshiping! Do not stop believing! Do not stop! God is getting ready to do a SUDDENLY on your behalf! You are here on, for, and with purpose in mind. When Paul and Silas were locked up in the prison for declaring the name of Jesus they never stopped praising and worshipping God. In the midnight hour, they and all others in prison were set free. The jailer woke up distraught as to how it was even possible that the jail cells suddenly opened, but even with that the jailer wanted to know the God they believed and how he can believe as well. I hope you enjoy this episode, but I hope you believe God is getting ready to deliver you a SUDDENLY. Are you prepared?
NOTE: Jar of Praise Challenge is still in full effect. Keep journaling what you are grateful for!
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Thank you for choosing to take a break with me!
Much love,
Praise Grace