"Continuous Discovery Habits" book discussion together with the author Teresa Torres and other Product Managers.
Some of the questions covered:
6:30 How can an opportunity solution tree compare opportunities that directly affect end-users vs. opportunities to improve internal development flow?
9:30 Are there metrics for successful discovery? Especially if you are in an industry that can not roll out changes, experiments quickly.
13:50 Do you have an example of a FULL Opportunity Solution Tree that you could share and explain trade-offs of which paths to compare and pursue for development of JTBD ?
16:40 How to ensure that there is a connection between team's strategy that is being set at the "top" and team specific OKRs? And should the team's strategy be set at the "top" or rather should it naturally derived based on short term and long term strategic projects?
21:20 How distributed can a product trio be before losing effectiveness. i.e. Can representatives from departments come together intermittently on a project basis and achieve the same success? Is this likely to work?
* How do you prioritize and represent major tech debt and infrastructure initiatives using an OST?
* What are the metrics for measuring product success and customer satisfaction - how useful they are?
25:20 How is continuous delivery impact roadmap communication? How can you keep the team well informed of what might come as you discover new things without the ability to sell or market anything just yet?
* On showing your work to stakeholders. Any tips on how to do this continuously on an async manner? (Not on meetings) * What type of customer research should be conducted and how often?
* How should we decide what and what not to build?
32:00 In all the times that you've deployed Continuous Discovery Habits, what are the most common struggles that you see teams go through as they adapt to these habits?
36:50 When prioritizing items in your Opportunity solution tree, how do you deal with items that depend on each other? For example, we want to iterate and test assumptions for solutions quickly, but what if you need to due to dependencies you need to develop multiple solutions before you can start testing?
40:30 Teresa, can you share good practices for testing and validating opportunities in a B2B context? How to have statistical significance when A/B testing would involve a smaller number of users?
47:45 In case you work with multiple personas, do you recommend creating multiple solution trees?
50:10 discovery unearths insights from everywhere. My biggest challenge is knowing what information to capture, where to capture it and how to quantify it. Do you have any recommended tools to help with this?
All questions submitted here: https://productbookclub.com/book/continuous-discovery-habits
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