“Go back to the basics. Find out what do you like to do, what are you good at, where do you find your flow and in what environment do you really like to work. Start with that.”
Sandra Richez is the Global MBA Program Director at EDHEC Business School in Nice, which a partner of PWN.
She has been working in higher education for over 20 years. It is a real vocation to help others to open their minds to global perspectives, to constantly learn and build their skills, giving confidence to reach their potential.
She also holds prior experience in services and hospitality in firms like Véolia, Disney and Marriott in HR and operations.
Sandra has lived in France for over 25 years. Her husband, her 3 grown children, dog and cat are all French, but they still enjoy her American culture, cooking and recipes (barbeques, hamburgers, and Sunday brunch).
When she is not working, you'll find Sandra most often on the water in summer and in the mountains in the winter. She is an avid boater and sails as crew most summers anywhere from 500 to 1000km in the Southern Mediterrannean. Come wintertime, she enjoys wintersports as well, skiiing and hiking, so the Riviera and our beautiful region is the perfect home for her!
You can reach out to her for any questions about further education and careers, and especially if you might be thinking of getting an MBA!
We talked about :
-changing career fields
-staying relevant on the job market and keeping your employability level high
-how to make the best use of your alumni network
-negotiating your salary
Sandra’s Linkedin profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandrarichez/
The Global MBA Program at EDHEC Business School typically has 70 participants from all over the world. They are champions of diversity in all areas, but only 38% of their MBAs are women. They are trying hard to reach parity. https://mba.edhec.edu/
Partnership EDHEC Business School – PWN Nice Côte d’Azur : https://mba.edhec.edu/blog/professional-womens-network-now-partnership-edhec-global-mba-nice-france
Podcast : The Daily, The New York Times
Books :
Becoming by Michelle Obama
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Serena’s LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/serena-benedetti-649068b4/
Serena’s activities : https://www.canva.com/design/DAEeLo-qPhs/dYdtNYVuMuJjlnspfof4kQ/view
Professional Women’s Network Nice Côte d’Azur : https://www.pwnnice.net/