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The ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman focuses on self-development and motivation geared to women who desire to seek more in business, health, finances and more. We desire for all women to re... more
FAQs about ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman:How many episodes does ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman have?The podcast currently has 51 episodes available.
January 23, 2017040 ProspHer Podcast: Don’t Reschedule OpportunitiesHave you every had days where you felt that you wasted time on doing nothing? Putting off opportunities to get things accomplished seemed harmless. It is important that you know the important of not rescheduling opportunities. Listen to Coach Crawford as we discuss how we must tackle those things that will help us grow....more10minPlay
November 30, 2016039 ProspHer Podcast: Where Do You Go From Rock Bottom?Have you ever hit rock bottom? We all have at one point in our life. The question is, “Where do you go from there?” At times we can allow life to knock us down and it may feel like a TKO…but guess what! It is not a TOTAL KNOCK OUT! There is a place to......more15minPlay
November 23, 2016038 ProspHer Podcast: Keep the Fire GoingHey! The year is about to end and we are about to approach a new year. As we reflect on this year, ask yourself, “Did I lose my fire?” At times we go through ups and downs while we are chasing our dreams. Listen to Coach Crawford as she talks about keeping the fire going!...more18minPlay
November 08, 2016037 ProspHer Podcast: Let’s Talk VisionDo you have a plan yet for the upcoming year? Do you have any idea of what you really want for 2017? Let’s talk VISION! Listen to Coach Crawford as she talks about the importance of having a strong plan to become successful in 2017!...more16minPlay
October 19, 2016036 ProspHer Podcast: Start Your Day RightHow is your day going so far? What was the first thing you did? Was it positive? Was it negative? Listen to Coach Crawford as she talks about the importance of starting your day right! How saying the right things or listen to the right stuff can make a major impact on your day will......more14minPlay
September 21, 2016035 ProspHer Podcast: You GOT What It TakesYou ever question yourself whether or not you have what it takes to make it? Have you ever stop believing in your future. Listen as Coach Crawford talks about the importance of believing in yourself and not giving up on your dreams and goals....more14minPlay
September 17, 2016034 ProspHer Podcast: Stop ExpectingStop putting your expectation in things you cannot control. Put your expectation in the seeds that you have sown. If you put in the work, expect results! You will grow disappointed when your expectations in people are not met. Do the work and expect a harvest! Listen to Coach Crawford as she discuss how putting......more12minPlay
September 05, 2016033 ProspHer Podcast: Goals Don’t Care How You FeelYour goals don’t care how you feel. Goals will never come to you but you must go to your goals. Goals don’t care about how depress you may feel, it doesn’t care of what you think you are not able to do. Your goals will always be waiting for you. Success awaits…On your mark, get......more13minPlay
September 01, 2016032 ProspHer Podcast: Progress NOT PerfectionProgress is defined as moving forward or onward movement to a destination. Perfection is the act or process of improving something until it is faultless. Never dream of PERFECTION because you will be disappointed every time and you will fail to see the growth and the small victories through your journey....more17minPlay
August 23, 2016031 ProspHer Podcast: Seeing Yourself SuccessfulDo you believe in yourself? Can you visualize where you will be in the next year? What is your definition of success? Listen to Coach Crawford as she talks about the importance of seeing yourself successful. Also, she talks about her new ebook entitled, “I Talk to Myself, So What!”....more16minPlay
FAQs about ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman:How many episodes does ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman have?The podcast currently has 51 episodes available.