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The ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman focuses on self-development and motivation geared to women who desire to seek more in business, health, finances and more. We desire for all women to re... more
FAQs about ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman:How many episodes does ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman have?The podcast currently has 51 episodes available.
August 06, 2016030 ProspHer Podcast: Consistency vs. NonexistenceHow can you become more consistent in your goals? How do you remain steady on the path that you set yourself on? In everything you are either consistent or nonexistent. Consistency is a form of behavior and nonexistence is to not be present. Consistency brings results and not only allows you to reach your goals......more17minPlay
June 14, 2016029 ProspHer Podcast: The word NO!Have you ever had high hopes for something and you anticipated some things to go in your favor only to hear the word NO. I know that was frustrating and disappointing. I bet it made you want to quit, give up…listen to Coach Crawford as she talks about overcoming rejection, overcoming the word NO....more12minPlay
June 08, 2016028 ProspHer Podcast: Time Management is importantListen to Coach Crawford talk about the importance of time management and how we can better handle what has been given to us TIME! Where there is a will there is a way!...more14minPlay
May 31, 2016027 ProspHer Podcast: Copy the Right CatCopying people isn’t always a bad thing. On your road to success you can make your journey easy with a map, directions on how you get to the place you want to be. Motivational speakers around the world all believe in the same concept and that is finding someone who is already successful in that......more11minPlay
May 27, 2016026 ProspHer Podcast: Have you stretched?It is important that before any work out, you stretch in order to prepare the muscles for what is about to come. Stretching is also important in the process of growing. Don’t be afraid to push yourself beyond your abilities. You may be amazed on what you are able to do....more13minPlay
May 25, 2016025 ProspHer Podcast: Maintain Your EnergyHave you ever lost your fire to push? Don’t become discouraged when it feels like the light went out. Listen to Coach Crawford as she talks about maintaining your energy while you are on the journey to success....more12minPlay
May 03, 2016024 ProspHer Podcast: You Have A ChoiceEveryday is yours. You have the choice to get up out of bed and make a difference. You can either continue life as it is and live out the normal routines or you can make a difference every day you wake up. Listen to Coach Crawford as she speaks life into you and encourage you......more8minPlay
April 06, 2016023 ProspHer Podcast: Coach Crawford talks about abuseListen to Coach Crawford as she tells the story of her life on how child abuse effected her and her entire family. April is child abuse awareness month, we should celebrate children, not tolerate them. Listen to how she dealt with an unexpected event in her life....more19minPlay
April 04, 2016022 ProspHer Podcast: Dealing with FrustrationHave you ever been frustrated? Have you ever hit a road block and not sure what direction you should go next? Listen to Coach Crawford as she talks about dealing with benign frustrated and how unexpected things can happen and how to keep going and deal with hiccups in your journey....more16minPlay
March 24, 2016021 ProspHer Podcast: How to Gain SuccessDo you have what it takes to be successful? Are you committed? Are you determined? Sometimes individuals believe that success should come easy, when in fact it takes hard work, commitment and determination. Listen to Coach Crawford as she encourages you to remain focus on your goals so that you can achieve and accomplish your......more11minPlay
FAQs about ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman:How many episodes does ProspHer Podcast: Building the Better Woman have?The podcast currently has 51 episodes available.