Happy third birthday Protest too Much!! To celebrate, I asked a few of my Shaxpals to send in a clip of which Shakespeare character they think fit their zodiac sign the best! Make sure to give them some love and follow their work!
LEO - Stephanie Crugnola: Protest too Much instagram, tiktok, twitter
VIRGO - Matt Goldstein: instagram
LIBRA - Rylee Ross: The Baron’s Men instagram, tiktok, website
SCORPIO - Mike Crugnola: twitter, Swoontower Soccer, InAddition podcast
SAGITTARIUS - Jacki Wilkicki: Revolution Recover instagram, websiteCAPRICORN - Jeremy Haig: When Walls Can Talk podcast, twitter
AQUARIUS - Sonya Joyner: instagram, facebook, website
PISCES - Anneliese Friend: The Baron’s Men instagram, tiktok, website
ARIES - Lindsay M. Palinsky: The Baron’s Men instagram, tiktok, website
TAURUS - Shannon Gibson: instagram, The Baron’s Men instagram, tiktok, website
GEMINI - Arden Fitzroy: instagram, twitter, Camden Fringe show tickets
CANCER - Riley Anna: instagram, OPSFest instagram, tiktok