Tune in to hear Alex Wojo's battle with disordered eating.
After being named National Baseballer of the Year, Alex's baseball career looked promising. After securing a contract with the Philadelphia Phillies, Alex was struck down by injury. Alex trained himself back from rehab, where in the process he achieved a physique he had longed for. For the first time in his life Alex had the ever elusive six-pack. This became problematic, as Alex's baseball career stalled and his ability to maintain the picture perfect physique, had to be balanced with the rigour of the 9-5 lifestyle. Listen to Alex's journey where he descibres the depths he reached in order to maintain his physique. Developing an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise, Alex's behaviours put his health in danger. In this podcast Alex describes what he learnt from this journey, and how his experience has shaped his life and now his dedication to helping others. If you wish to connect with Alex, you can contact him at the following links.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/241866840198372/user/100000465291426 https://www.facebook.com/groups/289021566110903/ Instagram: @alexwojonutrition