Episode Title: "Gut, Kidneys, and Kibble: CKD Insights with Dr. Jessica Quimby"In this episode of the Purr Podcast, Dr. Jolle Kirpensteijn and Dr. Susan Little are joined once again by feline chronic kidney disease (CKD) expert, Dr. Jessica Quimby. Together, they unpack some of the latest insights into managing this complex condition in cats.We dive into key topics, including:
- The role of AST-120 in managing CKD and its impact on the gut-kidney axis.
- Dietary strategies, focusing on phosphorus control and how it can help manage CKD progression.
- The importance of understanding the gut-kidney connection and how it influences overall health.
- A surprising finding: decreased defecation frequency in CKD cats and how missing litterbox days can be a symptom worth addressing.
- Appetite challenges in CKD cats—how to recognize and manage reduced food intake.
- Anemia in CKD cats.
This episode is packed with practical advice, fascinating discoveries, and plenty of feline-friendly discussion. Whether you're a vet, a cat owner, or just a fan of the mysterious ways of our feline friends, you’ll come away with valuable insights to help CKD cats live their best lives.