Amanda Taylor-Beswick shares insights from her research and expertise in Digital Pedagogies and reflects on ways the changing digital world will affect teaching and learning in her own discipline of Social Work and beyond.
We invite you to further explore some of the resources that are mentioned, during this conversation with Amanda, using the links below:
HE Institutions and Looking Through the Digital Lens by James Clay (Jisc):
Screen Relations: The Limits of Computer-Mediated Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy by Gillian Russel:
More about Amanda Taylor-Beswick and her research into Digital Pedagogies:
More about Social Work Virtual Pal: (#SWVirtualPal)
Reach out to Amanda on Twitter: @AMLTaylor66
Matthew Smith (leader in Virtual Technology research in the field of Social Work):
Join us in hearing from Amanda and how she has been using Audio feedback:
Presented by Laura Farling