Rage and Resolution: The Quest of Hector (handout)
In his final moments, the Trojan defender Hector must choose to face Achilles in heroic battle or to be hunted like an animal. Professor Chris Mackie discusses sub-human or monstrous aspects of Achilles' rage, and Hector's doomed quest to save Troy.
Copyright 2013 Gillian Shepherd / La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.
Rage and Resolution: The Quest of Hector (handout)
In his final moments, the Trojan defender Hector must choose to face Achilles in heroic battle or to be hunted like an animal. Professor Chris Mackie discusses sub-human or monstrous aspects of Achilles' rage, and Hector's doomed quest to save Troy.
Copyright 2013 Gillian Shepherd / La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.