Raindrops this is our last episode for Season 2 😱 Over the years Rain Akaï has been on a healing journey so that she can be her highest self. Healing has not be linear for her but it has been a progression. From not talking about her feelings in an African household , to opening up to family, friends and even those Eurocentric therapists who normally have been white women. Race shouldn’t matter but it clearly does in the world we live in and to be colour blind is to live in an illusion. A lot of times Rain Akaï did not go into detail about her trauma because she felt like they would not understand her lived experience as a black woman and be judgemental. With so much going on in Rain Akaï’s world she found herself in need of help and was ready to try something new. The definition of insanity they say is doing something over and over again and expecting different results. Her mind became curious and opened up to one of her mentors Brother Sankofa who discussed the importance of healing based on African spirituality and to give it a try. This brought her to google where she stumbled on Queen Afua who released her book titled “The Sacred Woman : A guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit “ . She is a nationally renowned herbalist, natural health expert, and dedicated healer of women's bodies and women's souls who practices Afrocentric spirituality. Brother Sankofa connected Rain Akaï to her very own real life Queen Afua who goes by Sensa Raneb who owns a healing practice “ Sa Ankh Wisdom of Life” which Rain Akaï is currently enrolled in and is learning so much wonderful techniques from Sensa Raneb. Rain Akaï feels everyone can benefit from this service and she wanted to share with you raindrops some of her lessons. The main goal of self-care is to maintain mental, physical, emotional and spiritual balance in your daily life yet so many of us do not take it seriously. Healing is a big part of self care. The Black community has been known to avoid therapy for a multitude of reasons. However, we cannot continue on this ignorant path. Rain Akaï hopes to be the change she wants to see and believes by doing the work she is healing generations to come. Her hope is that those around her will be inspired and take their own healing journey seriously and be on the right path to become the best version of themselves. We look forward to bringing Sensa Raneb on Season 3 when we return. In the mean time keep dripping raindrops 💧🌍