Ashley Faulcon, Program Coordinator - Youth/Community Services, East Brunswick, NJ discusses meaningful programming for teens and the highlights of her professional journey that has led to a momentous year.
Show links:
The Municipal Article -
30 Under 30 Article -
From Brush to Heart Non-Profit -
Points of Light Organization -
Mental Health First Aid Program -
Shane Mize is the Director of Parks and Recreation in the city of Pflugerville, Texas, where he resides with his wife and children.
Tom Venniro is the 10-year Director of Parks and Recreation in Hilton-Parma, New York, where he resides with his wife Melissa, son Jack, and daughter Amelia.
Jay Tryon is a 17-year park and recreation professional who loves to improve communities and their quality of life. He currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, with his wife and children.