Upload week continues with your new favourite band - Wayside. The Naarm based emo duo have been making some serious noise leading up their sophomore record 'What Does Your Soul Look Like' and took the time to open up about a couple of seminal records - The Highly influential Refused 'The Shape Of Punk To Come' and Corbin's minimal emo rap masterclass 'Mourn'.
This was a mad chat with Josh and Tom, they were full of knowledge about these albums and shared !EXCLUSIVE! intel on their new record including recording with the one & only Will Yip.
For fans of Citizen, Title Fight, Will Yip etc be certain to bookmark Wayside's new record 'WDYSLL', out November 10th!
ALL THINGS WAYSIDE: https://linktr.ee/waysideonline
LATEST SINGLE 'HALF NELSON': https://tr.ee/SnkA8EcAjc
Use code ROYALE10 for 10% off at Rudderless Records!
Link: https://www.rudderlessrecords.com.au
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