My guest today is Philip Blackett He is an author, consultant and entrepreneur who previously has worked with FedEx, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Chick-Fil-A. Phillip recently released SIX books, but the one we mainly focus on in this episode is "Disagree without Disrespect: How to Respectfully Debate with Those who Think, Believe, and Vote Differently from You".
I think that is sorely needed these days!
-How to talk to that with that politically charged uncle we all have
-What to do when arguing turns to shouting
-Dealing with online trolls
-When someone at work starts personal attacks because he disagrees with your political views
Phillip is a very smart, insightful guy and I learned a ton from him in this episode and I think you will too.
Learn more about Phillip and chek out his books here:
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