Marieete Hartley and Jerry Sroka's screenplay tells the slightly fictionalized details of their later-in-life romance and marriage. Directed and executive produced by Don Scardino, executive produced by Hartley and Sroka, co-executive produced Matthew Bennett, produced by Jeff Hardwick and Tim Mann, associate produced by Dana L. Williams. The film will open in limited theatrical release on December 8, 2023 at Theatrikos Theatre Company in Flagstaff and Sedona Film Festival Theatre in Arizona, The Village East Angelika in New York City, Reading Cinemas Town Square in San Diego, CA, and Galaxy Theatres Monroe in WA.
Watch the trailer HERE Humor drives the rom-com’s themes, including on-line dating, technology use, and Hollywood humiliation especially for aging actors, anchored by poignant and serious life issues derived from For more information, please visit: Mariette began acting at the age of ten with the legendary Eva Gallienne and John Houseman. Her numerous theatre appearances, Lion in Winter at the Colony, Cabaret, Broadway, Sylvia, MTC, Ancestral Voices, Lincoln Center, Enchanted April, Pasadena Playhouse, Measure for Measure, King John, Public Theatre.
She toured with Copenhagen and The Sisters Rosenzweig for which she earned a Helen Hayes Award and the League of American Theatres National Touring Award. She made her screen debut in Sam Peckinpah’s classic western, Ride the Country with Randolph Scott and Joel McCrea. Her best-selling autobiography, Breaking The Silence is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Jerry Sroka played mostly witches. Short witches. A graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, he appeared in the film version of Godspell and in the Broadway and Boston stage productions.
He has appeared at the Woodstock Playhouse among many others