Gerhard van Onselen (Sakeliga, operasionele bestuurder en ontleder) gesels met James Kemp op die Beleidsradar-insetsel (Sakekern, Pretoria FM) oor die onlangse herrie oor invoerbelasting op gevriesde aartappelskyfies.
Van Onselen bevraagteken die sukses van hierdie invoerbelastings om plaaslike bedrywe werklik te ondersteun.
Uiteindelik kom die koste van sulke belastings grotendeels op verbruikers en selfs op sekere ondernemings te lande, met nadelige gevolge. In hierdie stadium, reken Van Onselen, kan verbruikers kwalik bekostig om méér vir kos te betaal.
Sakeliga reken dat plaaslike bedrywe ten beste ondersteun kan word deur weg te doen met rampspoedige regulasies, rompslomp, beurtkrag, en skadelike inmenging in die ekonomie.
[English] Taxes on imports of frozen potato chips harm consumers
Gerhard van Onselen (Sakeliga, operational manager and analyst) talks with James Kemp in the Beleidsradar insert (Sakekern, Pretoria FM) about the recent outcry about import duties on frozen potato chips.
Van Onselen questions the success of such taxes on imports to really support local industries.
The costs of such duties ultimately are borne mainly by consumers and even certain businesses, with harmful consequences. At this stage, according to Van Onselen, consumers can hardly afford paying even more for food.
Sakeliga believes that local industries can best be supported by abolishing disastrous regulations, red tape, load shedding and harmful economic interference in the economy.