For a beginner, the Canon EF 75 to 300-millimeter f/4.0-5.6 III Autofocus Lens is a fantastic starter telephoto lens because it is easy to use, a very good price, and has superior build quality. The autofocus is slow, but quiet, and the aperture is large enough for fast shutter speeds in low light environments, which allows for late afternoon sports games to look clear through this lens. That being said, this lightweight lens performs best in bright daylight, and with a tripod. Without a tripod, focusing issues can occur unless you have a very steady hand. Chromatic aberrations, pin cushioning, and purple fraying around your subject can occur with this lens, but as long as you know how to work around it, there should be no issues. The EF 75 to 300-millimeter f/4.0-5.6 III lens has a good focal range, and is great when you need an extra zoom. It will produce sharp images as long as you understand the lighting, autofocus or manual focus, and the distance from your subject.
While the Canon EF 75 to 300-millimeter f/4.0-5.6 III Autofocus Lens may result in soft images if you are new to focusing or do not set the autofocus properly, these are skills that can be learned. If you are looking to increase your photography skills, the Canon EF 75 to 300-millimeter f/4.0-5.6 III Autofocus Lens is a great place to start.