Ken Keis, Ph.D., is a foremost global authority on behavioral assessment strategies and processes, an expert in leadership, purpose, and wellness. He has authored over 4 million words of content, including 500 articles, 4 books, and a dozen assessments. Dr. Keis is President and CEO of Consulting Resource Group International, Inc. (CRG), which has served thousands of companies, associations, industry groups, and leaders in over 30 countries. In the past 31 years, Ken has personally conducted more than 3,000 presentations and 10,000 hours of coaching and consulting. He is a highly sought-aer author, speaker, trainer, podcast host, and TV and media guest. His latest books include: Why Aren't You More Like Me?, Deliberate Leadership, and The Quest For Purpose.
His experience covers all areas of development---career, business, sales, personal, professional, purpose, wellness, leadership, communications, team building, HR, and organizational. More than 1 million people in 30 countries and 12 languages have engaged CRG processes to enrich their lives. Clients include Boeing, Chrysler, Honda, London Drugs, AT&T, GTE, Manulife Financial, European Center for Leadership Development, universities, career centers, and thousands of HR professionals, coaches, individuals, and small business owners around the globe.