Communists place a great deal of importance on education and theoretical study, but that doesn’t mean we confine ourselves to small reading groups.
The question of building the revolutionary party is central. Once a small revolutionary organisation has grown to the size necessary to become a factor in the class struggle, how can the revolutionary party win over the most advanced layer of the youth and the working class? Furthermore, what is a revolutionary crisis, and how can the party conquer the leadership of the working class? Above all, in order to lead the revolution to victory, how can it conquer the support of the masses?
The Revolutionary Communist International aims to organise the most advanced, revolutionary-oriented youth and workers, and train them as communist cadres. While we do so we need to steel all our members with an understanding of how to approach these questions.
If we succeed in this task, we will be building powerful communist parties around the world.
As Francesco Merli from our international leadership explains in this talk, we must understand the method of Lenin and the Bolsheviks if we want to find a route to the working class, in order to offer direction and a programme when revolutionary struggles eventually, inevitably erupt.