6 (and a half?) of our irrational fears explained. GUARANTEED you have NONE of these. They're just... not normal.
We also get to try BACON SODA! No, not baking soda. It's soda...but with bacon flavor. There's other sodas too, but... bacon.
Naturally, ideal podcast episode length should be determined by content. A rule of thumb we learned is that you should never stretch something out, if it is done or try to cut it short, if it means removing the content you intended to include. Taking that into account, as well as our personal goal of keeping closer to 30 minutes, we're thinking we will probably end up sort of in that ballpark, if we just keep that number in mind while shooting. Mary had to cut quite a bit this time around and it was a bit disappointing, so... we'll just do better. :)
Show Notes:
3:04 Beginning Remarks
5:52 Irrational Fears Begin - Spider in the Toilet
9:02 Fear of Sunken Ships
13:57 Going Underwater in Video Games
16:43 Emergency Alert System
17:59 Fear of Sleeping In Late?
19:11 The Truman Show
25:39 Honorable Mention - Grands Biscuits
27:03 Unique Soda Tasting (incl. Bacon Soda, Serrano Pepper, Espresso/Coffee Soda, Mexifantapina etc.)
36:58 Qs from Fren
40:40 Dedications
- Follow Us on Instagram! @mary.queen.of.thoughts
- If you enjoy, PLEASE rate, review, subscribe and name your first-born child after us. :)