This episode of Searching For Ghosts is brought to you by The Uncommon Podcast With B-Pop and Duff
In the mid-1980s, law enforcement was scrambling to figure out if a series of murders of red-haired women from Texas to Pennsylvania was the act of a serial killer. The state of Tennessee, specifically, seemed to be a hotbed for the murders. Law enforcement was even questioning Henry Lee Lucas, the convicted serial killer, but stopped when an article was released claiming that Lucas fabricated more than 200 confessions to murders he claimed to partake in. There is little doubt that if the article had not been released, Lucas would have confessed to the red head killings as well.
This sets the stage for the climate that was West Tennessee in the 1980s when Nancy Lynn Blankenship, a woman with red hair, disappeared.
A very special thanks to WBIR Channel 10, Knoxville, Tn, for their reporting over the years on the Red Head Murders.
WBIR-Jerry Johns
WBIR-Tina Farmer Identified
A special thank you to LOLFIELDANDLOVE for the Henry Lee Lucas clip.
Henry Lee Lucas
A very special thank you to for the woman screaming sound effect.
Thank you to Voice Actor Julia Hamra for voicing The Jackson Sun article.
Thank you to Voice Actor Zack Taylor for his reading of the AP article on Lucas.