Have you tried what feels like ALL of the morning routines, Sunday Reset Routines, and every other personal development hack to be successful and still feel like you're faking your way through? Or worse, that they have turned into just one more nagging to-do on your list?
I've been there. I felt like I had tried all of the self-help and it was either too rigid or just unattainable.
And then I started creating a process of my own: The Spark Method. What I love about this method is that it ebbs and flows with your lifestyle. It adjusts to your energy, and it looks at the world around you so you aren't solely dependent on self-care, but also start to create a sense of community care.
Listen in to learn the steps of The Spark Method and how I use them both at home and in my business!
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Get my on-demand Masterclass that will give you the step-by-step instructions to better communicate with clients, including templates for communicating your new boundaries: Rest for the Weary Business Owner