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진행자: 간형우, Devin Whiting
Seoul city to offer W1m to couples who register marriage
기사 요약: 서울시가 올해 서울에서 혼인 신고를 한 부부에게 현금 또는 복지포인트로 100만원을 주는 방안을 추진 중이다.
[1] The Seoul Metropolitan Government said Sunday that newlyweds who register their marriage in the city will be offered 1 million won ($685) in cash, or an equivalent amount of cash points that can be used in local communities, starting from October.
newlywed: 신혼부부
equivalent: 상응하는
[2] The plan is to support the newlyweds with subsidy in purchasing living appliances and furniture needed as they move into the house together, the city government said.
subsidy: 보조금
appliance: (가정용) 기기
furniture: 가구
[3] To be eligible for the subsidy, a couple's total income must not exceed 150 percent bracket of the average income — meaning the total income of a two-person household should be approximately 5.8 million won or less.
exceed: 초과하다
household: 가정
[4] Marriage registration must also be carried out in Seoul this year. An age limit will be announced later this year. An estimated 20,000 couples are expected to benefit from the new cash assistance program.
estimate: 추산하다
benefit: 이득을 보다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10415486
2727 ratings
진행자: 간형우, Devin Whiting
Seoul city to offer W1m to couples who register marriage
기사 요약: 서울시가 올해 서울에서 혼인 신고를 한 부부에게 현금 또는 복지포인트로 100만원을 주는 방안을 추진 중이다.
[1] The Seoul Metropolitan Government said Sunday that newlyweds who register their marriage in the city will be offered 1 million won ($685) in cash, or an equivalent amount of cash points that can be used in local communities, starting from October.
newlywed: 신혼부부
equivalent: 상응하는
[2] The plan is to support the newlyweds with subsidy in purchasing living appliances and furniture needed as they move into the house together, the city government said.
subsidy: 보조금
appliance: (가정용) 기기
furniture: 가구
[3] To be eligible for the subsidy, a couple's total income must not exceed 150 percent bracket of the average income — meaning the total income of a two-person household should be approximately 5.8 million won or less.
exceed: 초과하다
household: 가정
[4] Marriage registration must also be carried out in Seoul this year. An age limit will be announced later this year. An estimated 20,000 couples are expected to benefit from the new cash assistance program.
estimate: 추산하다
benefit: 이득을 보다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10415486
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