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Our youngest, Finley, is 20 months and still not walking. She has struggled a lot, and after seeing an occupational therapist they have confirmed what we were seeing - that she has a prominent left side weakness. So, it's gonna take some work. But something special happened this week that's never happened before: she stood up on her own, and showed interest in trying. When she fell, she got back up, and she just kept going. We are overjoyed watching her walk, even through her struggles.
Our walk of faith is much the same way. We are going to have our own weaknesses and struggles. But you know what? God is patient towards us. His grace is greater than our weaknesses, and he is there to catch us when we fall. Yes, the goal is for us to walk even better each day, but how overjoyed must our Father be just to watch his creation get up and desire to start walking closer to him.