Join Joey and Caitlin as we journey through the Lord of the Rings, horse by horse.
If you have questions about horses or anything LOTR-related, send them to us at [email protected]!
This episode covers a section of the Return of the King film, from mm 02:17:42 to mm 02:45:09. Next episode will cover the first three chapters of Book 6, the second half of The Return of the King!
AUDIO PSA: There is a little more background yelling, barking, etc. than usual. I did my best but some things can't be fixed, sorry!
Police brutality and broader issues of racism have not ended. Please find ways to participate/contribute to the abolition of policing and prisons as you are able. Also check out this document for a few resources on racism in fantasy:
Cover art: Annie Johnston-Glick (@dancynrew)
Music: Horse by Horse, a medley of "Concerning Hobbits" and "The Ring Goes South" composed by Howard Shore, arranged by Caitlin Lukin and performed by Caitlin Lukin and Joey Rose Rysen.
"Horse Whinny, Close, A.wav" by InspectorJ ( of
"Hoofbeats, wood on cardboard" by Joey Rose Rysen