This episode was all about the Negative Voice inside your head; Everyone struggles with the negative voice in their head.
The Bad News is it's impossible to silence this voice but the
Good News it has a purpose. The negative voice tells you lies to keep you safe. It wants to keep you safe from life and death situations which let's be honest is now only 20% of your decisions. The other 80% of the time the negative voice isn't protecting you from anything harmful it's just a bad friend telling you, your stupid, your not enough, you should quit, and so forth.....If your negative voice was a real friend you would you take her advice?
I challenge you to have Prospective;
* Everything in life comes down to how you choose to see it.
* Instead of thinking of all that could go wrong, think of what you need to do to ensure it goes well.
We also chat about how to find Evidence it is true or not true
but be aware, you will find what you are seeking for example: when looking through reviews; for a product you don't want or are trying to convince someone NOT to buy, your brain will automatically scan and find only bad reviews and completely miss all the good reviews just to prove its point. Same goes the other way if you really want that pricey vacuum and your trying to convince your husband its the right purchase your brain will scan and pull all the good reviews.
With Negative Thoughts challenge it to find evidence!!
I always tell myself “well you have gotten through tougher situations than this”
We have all pulled through extremely bad situations in our lives and are still here standing, that should be enough evidence that we can handle this too.
Train the negative voice to trigger an empowering response.
*If I fail, I'll look stupid” becomes “When I fail, I'll learn something and be able to do it better next time”
And lastly and the most important thing to take away from this episode is to understand that the negative voice inside your head is really not your voice someone put it there.
Someone once told you,
You're not good enough
You're not pretty enough
You're skinny enough
your not smart enough
You can choose NOT to listen to it.